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'Cornbread'JD & The Straight Shot - Nothing To HideAlvin Jett & the Phat noiZ Blues Band -
Milk And Cookies

(July 2006)

Milk & Cookies is the second CD for 2006 IBC finalists Alvin Jett & the Phat noiZ Blues Band. Their first release, Wet My Beak, reached the finals of the Blues Foundation’s Best Self-Produced CD.
These guys are good, really good, and I’m not just saying that because they played my 40th birthday.

“The sound of this rockin’ blues quartet is always Phat – Powerful, Hot And Tight…PHAT, baby” - Sonicbids. They possess a massive stage presence, their playing is tight and Alvin’s solo’s are in-your-face hot electric blues.

Phat noiZ is - East St. Louis native Alvin Jett on guitar. On saxophone is Frank Bauer, who has been bringing his soulful jazz and funk influenced sax to Alvin since 1999. Webster University graduate Matt Davis is on bass, and the drummer is Jeremy West.

Phat noiZThe ten, all original tracks are:

1. Boogie To The Blues
2. Best Friend You Ever Had
3. Ain’t Been The Same
4. My Baby’s Place
5. It’s A Cinch
6. Milk And Cookies
7. Borrowed Time
8. Angels Sing The Blues
9. 7:47 Central Time
10. Down In The Delta

All pretty good tracks. The grand finale’ as it were, Down In The Delta is my favorite song and features St. Louis’ own Rich McDonough on slide guitar and harpmaster Arthur Williams blowin’ the harmonica (also on track 3). Matt’s song Best Friend You Ever Had is a bit of a rockabilly tune. Frank Bauer takes lead on a couple of tracks as well. At times the guitar solos are hard-hittin, red hot-smokin’ blues, other times it’s mellower, more precise Albert or B.B. King like. Both styles are pleasing to the blues pallet.

I recently was asked to make a recommendation for 300 CD’s for an upcoming convention; they wanted to give the attendees a CD that best represented the St. Louis blues scene. Milk And Cookies was my first choice. Milk And Cookies, and Wet My Beak are both really good CD’s – get em’ both!

To buy either CD or the Phat noiZ live DVD, and to find their schedule, visit them 24/7 at PhatnoiZ.com. If in the Lou, be sure to catch Phat noiZ, and tell em’ Cornbread sent you.

I’d give this a solid 4.77 on the STLBluesometer.

Ciao’ for now, peace.
The STLBluesometer
Father Time - Ross & Hunt       
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