East Side Slim
Clarentz – Day of the Supermodel – Super
Sweet Records, 2008
King Clarentz, aka Clarence
Brewer, makes music that is not for the faint-of-heart
or those with delicate sensibilities. In fact, FCC
content warning would likely be pasted onto any
copies of the CD delivered to radio stations. The
band on this CD consists of only 3 pieces, Clarentz,
Bobby Lloyd Hicks and Andrew Ribotto, and the fellas
crank out a jukin’, boogie-filled, heavy blues
house party on Day Of The Supermodel. I struggled
as to how to accurately describe the music of King
Clarentz, but then came across the perfect description
of it via My thanks to
for the spot-on description of the raucous music/persona
that is King Clarentz.
From Biography by Cub Koda
Clarence Brewer, better known as King Clarentz around
the Ozark mountain area where he's a fixture of
the local scene, mixes the infectious boogie rhythms
of John Lee Hooker with the edgier juke joint modalism
of R.L. Burnside and up-to-the-minute lyrics for
a blend that's both irresistible and unique in modern
blues. Born in 1950, Brewer has developed a strong
local following in the Ozarks as a blues performer,
sculptor and folk artist. (His woodcuts adorn the
cover art of his debut album.) Playing slide on
a Sears and Roebuck Silvertone guitar while spinning
tales of voodoo, politics gone wrong, the devil's
den, fast food killing the populace, and bad women
and whiskey, King Clarentz is a totally modern-thinking,
cutting-edge bluesman who produces a sound that
is positively crude and archaic. More than just
a good-time performer with a backwoods style, Clarence
Brewer is a modern artist with much to say and a
beautifully raucous way of saying it.
Songs: (songs composed by Clarence “King Clarentz”
Brewer except as noted)
1. Pea Vine Whistle – (Public Domain,
arranged by Brewer)
--Clarentz has taken this old blues tune and turned
it into an adrenaline-fueled blues-rock boogie.
It’s a lot of fun, and would go over very
well live. Also, it’s FCC-friendly.
2. Supermodel
--This is the CD’s title track, and the lyric
pretty much follows the story line found in the
CD’s comic book liner notes. The song is raw,
heavy and ragged, as is most all of King Clarentz
music, featuring loud guitars and primal rhythms.
3. Death Letter Blues – (Eddie “Son”
House, Jr.)
--Clarentz takes on this Son House classic, and
does a commendable job. Clarentz plays it very straight,
but still in his own style, beating the living daylights
out of his guitar; powerful stuff, indeed.
4. Alex Jones
--This song is spent railing against the G.O.P.,
the ultra-wealthy of the country, governmental control
of the masses, and government cover-ups. The tune
is based around a blues-rock riff, with a diatribe
from Alex Jones – who is a radio talk-show
host/ filmmaker who has been described as a paleo-conservative
and conspiracy theorist - played over the top of
the song, extending beyond the end of the music
at the end of the track. This one is interesting,
and actually, a lot of fun. The conspiracy minded
folks out there will really enjoy this track.
5. Cooking With Your Nightdress On
--Well, this is where an FCC warning sticker to
radio stations should probably appear. There’s
no doubt quite a bit of Clarentz’ material
is highly sexual in nature, and this track surely
falls into that category. In this case there are
no offensive words present, but the meaning is very,
very clear. Hmm.. .you know, that pretty much describes
95% of today’s rap and new R&B music (R.
Kelly anyone?) Well, if that can be broadcast on
the radio, then this tune can, too! Musically, this
tune is quite raw (and a lot of fun), full of electric
slide guitar and impassioned singing.
6. Lonesome Ghost
--Here we have a suicide “ballad” about
unhappy, unfortunate deaths, and how those people
will have the lonesome blues as their ghosts will
wander the Earth due the ending of their lives at
their own hands. King Clarentz’ public service
spot warning those troubled souls out there to not
commit suicide…
7. Down On The Burying Ground – (Public
Domain, arranged by Brewer)
--Wow, this tune is wild! Once again, Clarentz takes
on an old blues, injects some nitro, and blazes
down the Blues highway with it! He’s blowing
the cobs out of this pre-War tune; nicely done.
8. Martha Stewart
--Uh-oh, here’s one to scare the prudes among
you, and maybe cause you to scratch your head, saying:
what was that?! A ménage-a-trio with himself,
Martha Stewart and Dr. Ruth; something tells me
that King Clarentz marches to his own drummer, so
to speak…“about time to glaze those
9. Rim O’ The Koochie
--If you don’t “get” the title,
I’m not going to be the one to explain it
to you. This is a slow-boiled bluesy rocker that
would fail to make most radio playlists due to lyrical
content – and due to the title of the song!
It would definitely get the dancers up in a juke
joint, though.
Hurricane Party
--A song about thrill seekers for sure, the title
says it all. The tune is hard driving and very heavy
and also falls into Clarentz’ sexually oriented
songs. It’s a little more subtle than some
of the other such songs on the CD, but the double-entendre
is not Clarentz’ strong point. More like single-entendre
in most cases.
--We’ve got a slow blues here, but still very
heavy; Clarentz is always heavy. King Clarentz makes
it very clear in this song that he does not have
much use for Republicans.
Empire State – (Public Domain, arranged by
--King Clarentz takes on another public domain song
here, and I think he does a fine job with it. I
really enjoy his work more when his lyrical content
is more, well, straight-forward, traditional, whatever…
He’s got a great raw, juke joint feel to his
music, which I dig. If only he could back off the
Dr. Ruth type material a bit… This tune cooks
on all burners, and may be my favorite cut on the
Sunshine Rocker
--Well, if the last track cooked, this one burns!
If you like wild and wooly blues rock, then this
track is for you. It goes to prove that you only
need 3 pieces (guitar, drum, bass) to tear it up!
Verdict: King
Clarentz is an interesting cat, make no mistake
about it. His music is raw, powerful, and sometimes
blatantly sexual. If you want to feel like you are
in the middle of a juke or house party somewhere,
load his CD into your disc player and let it spin.
If you enjoy Johnny Winters’ work from the
1970s, there’s a pretty good chance you will
dig what Clarentz and his band are sending your
way. Personally, I enjoyed the majority of the CD
quite a bit, but the more blatantly sexual songs
did reduce my overall enjoyment of this album –
some of the references tended to be a little too
in-your-face, and I sure can’t play it in
the car when my kids are with me. Some more word-play
or double entendres might have remedied that situation;
there’s nothing wrong with being clever. Before
I forget, I should mention that production-wise
this CD sounds great. It’s been nicely produced,
engineered, recorded and mastered. Well, let’s
rate this bad boy - and this one sure could be considered
a bad boy! I’m going to give this CD, Supermodel,
a rating of 3.0 on the STLBluesometer scale.
Lee Howland
- aka "East
Side Slim"