You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans......An
Interview with Rockin' Jake |
"Miss Vickie"
special ops./STLBLUES.NET
Miss ~
a great song, and it really holds true these days
with so much turmoil caused by Hurricane Katrina,
and with so many people forced to leave this beautiful
city. I sat down with Jake and we spoke in great
length about his experiences with the evacuation,
rebuilding of his life, and the new and improved
Rockin' Jake Band!
“First of all, I want to say to St. Louis,
Thank You! I've met some really nice people and
you have a really great music scene! Eric McSpadden,
who I've seen on my many tours to St. Louis, is
a really great guy. He's helped me a lot while I've
been in St. Louis and Preston Hubbard who used to
play with the Fabulous Thunderbirds and now with
Los Carnale.
I've seen him play since 1974. He's been a great
friend and incredibly supportive. They are all good
people and I'm thankful for their friendship. I've
been all over the country numerous times and I really
love the “Family “ feeling I get when
I'm at BB's Jazz Blues and Soups. All the people
, musicians, and venue owners have really been supportive
and I'm very blessed!
I want to take my hat off to the people who are
back in New Orleans and trying to rebuild their
lives and they are facing incredible hurdles. It
takes an intestinal fortitude to do what they're
doing with very little support from the many government
entities involved...the city, state and federal
governments. I have great respect for them and what
they are trying to do with their lives. I've never
loved a city more in my life than I love New Orleans.
I like a lot of cities, New York, St. Louis, San
Francisco, but I'm in love with New Orleans and
it's a pain missing that city and my friends. It
will be with me for a long time. Many of my friends
have scattered and I do not know where they are.
It's upsetting the most about my little coffee shop
I hung out at everyday.....City Perk about a mile
from City Park, Mid City between Canal and Orleans
Ave on Carrollton Ave. It was so beautiful. I'd
sit outside at my table and the trees along the
median are palm trees and the street car runs along
that neutral ground and not a day would go by and
I would sit there and look at this beauty. It's
the small things that give you joy.
The neighborhood I lived in was really fantastic
and it was wiped out. A lot of the heart and soul
of the city is coming back..the mom and pop restaurants,
night clubs, and my coffee shop is under new management.
There is still a lot of beauty and there is beauty
in the ugly after the devastation and the rejuvenation
that is coming back to New Orleans. It's still a
beautiful city to be in. When I go back now, I play
at the Jazz Emporium on Bourbon Street, the Bank
Street Bar and Grill in Mid City, and a little dive
called 'The Apple Barrel' that holds maybe 30 people
when it's packed. I was on the road in New England
when Katrina hit and was not able to go back to
my home. My wife, luckily, left two days before
the hurricane hit and went to Fort Worth, Texas
to stay with her Aunt. I drove across country from
Maryland to Texas after my tour ended and that's
where we lived for four months after the hurricane.
At the time, I was still using my band from Louisiana,
so whenever we had to go on tour, they had to fly
or drive up to Texas. In Dec 2005, I moved up to
St. Louis and I was still using my band from
guy from Baltimore, one guy from Austin, Texas,
and one guy from Louisiana, and I had to pay to
get them to St. Louis when we went on tour until
it got to where it was just financially impossible
and logistically impossible, so I stopped the band
for awhile in May 2006 and stayed around St. Louis
and regrouped. I stayed around here looking for
musicians. I didn't really know anybody and then
I met Eric McSpadden, another harp player, who invited
me to sit in with his band, Rough Grooves featuring
Rich McDonough, and Rich and I kinda hit it off
that night. He liked what I was doing and I loved
what he was doing, and we stayed in touch and I
hired him for some gigs.
Fast forward to today, Rich is still in my band
and I picked up a drummer, Joe Meyer, and a bass
player, Dan Eubanks, from St. Louis, who has been
living in Nashville for the last three years and
a friend of Joe Meyer. Dan was married, working
a day job, playing music at night, just bought a
house and we thought it was a long shot, but we
thought it can't hurt to ask, so we asked him to
join the band. He was looking for a change. Since
he came into the band, it's changed my band radically
and brings a renewed enthusiasm for all of us. I've
been playing professionally since 1980 and I can
say with all honesty, this is the best band I've
ever had. We all get along and are on the same page
musically. Dan has really galvanized the enthusiasm
with this band. Everyone is working together for
the band. After 27 years I feel like this is the
beginning of something really good! I met Joe when
I was playing with Los Carnales down at Hammerstone's
in Soulard. He came and sat in. We just stayed in
touch and I loved his playing. He's young, enthusiastic,
firey, great chops, he has everything and turned
out to be a phenomenal addition to the band. He
has fire and I need fire. He's a great drummer.
His music knowledge is incredible. I play many styles
of music and it takes a rare musician to perform,
and Dan, Joe and Rich are just perfect for the band.
We do a lot blues, but we also do a Louisiana style
of music, second line, funk, zydeco, and rock and
roll. We just have the times of our lives when we're
on the road together. We laugh all of the time!
Joe keeps us in stitches! It's a fantastic feeling.
I'm beside myself and excited. We are all excited
about of all of the possibilities with this band.
I'm truly blessed. It took me 43 years to find my
wife, Christie, and I never thought I'd get married,
but she is wonderful and I love her. It's amazing,
but now I feel like I'm marrying three other people.
(big laugh) We all get along so well musically and
personally. It's very very rare and I'm just so
fortunate. Rich is one of the best guitar players
I've met. People tell me I'm so lucky to have him
in my band and I agree. Not only is he a phenomenal
guitar player, he gets “House”, and
what I mean by that is, he gets a standing ovation
every night he plays. I like that. I don't want
the band to be me and three statues behind me. I
want a band ensemble sound. I've never met a guitar
player that good with no ego or attitude. When you
gotta turn it down, Rich turns it down without any
hesitation. It's a pleasure to work with him. I've
been with the same booking agency since 1996 and
you really have to pay your dues, especially when
nobody knows you. Now I have a fan base across many
states. We drive “Ole School Baby”.
We drive a 15 passenger van with a trailer. 'Really
Ole School' is a couple of station wagons, but we
do alright with the van. We feel like dinosaurs
(big laugh). We laugh and talk about sports. It's
great! Word is starting to spread a little bit so
now when I start calling some of the clubs and they
find out who is in the band, they are very happy
to open their doors for us, like the Famous Bar
in South St. Louis. When Mark found out Rich was
playing, he was very happy to book us. Rich has
a great reputation in this city and so does Dan.
I also play a club in Peoria, Il and Rolla, Mo.,
primarily we stick close to home while we're here.
It's tough to make arrangements when you're on the
road especially when you're trying to get an album
together. I have a lot of my own music, and several
songs that I want to finish, so being home in St.
Louis, now, I get a chance to do that during the
holiday break. Plus I have some really good guys
in the band now and I know we can collaborate to
come up with some really great songs. We'll be back
on the road for January, February, and March, so
I'd like to have a good two or three months to sit
down and work this out. In January, we'll be in
Key West. It's my 11th year playing New Year's Eve
at the Parrot. It's a blast! 5 days at the Parrot
and then 5 days over at Margarita Ville. Then Florida
and Georgia. Then we play Mardi Gras, in all places,
Deadwood, South Dakota on a float and then some
casinos. They asked us to come down and we said
Great! Then we go to one of my regular haunts, the
coldest places in March, we go to Colorado. There
are some tough mountain passes to get thru and last
year we had a terrible time with the snow, so if
anyone has a helicopter we can use, give us a call!
(big laugh) Then we go to the East Coast and then
back to Florida. St. Louis has a great blues heritage
and I love to listen to the great blues artists
like Big George Brock, Arthur Williams, and Boo
Boo Davis and I'm very fortunate to fall in love
with a woman from St. Louis. “
can check out The Rockin' Jake band while they are
here in St. Louis by going to their website
rockinjakeband. This site will give you their touring
schedule for St. Louis and their remaining schedule
to date..They are available for festivals and blues
cruises too! Jake plays harmonica and sings, Rich
McDonough (can't sing) plays guitar, Joe Meyer plays
drums and does background vocals, and Dan Eubanks
plays bass and some lead and background vocals.
It's like Jake said, this is the BEST BAND he has
had and it shows! These guys ROCK! They get along
on and off stage and are extremely talented musicians.
A MUST SEE show everytime they play!! There will
be a special gig at BB's on December 6, 2007 with
the Rockin Jake Band, the Liston Brothers and Michael
Burks. Don't miss that show!!
For more info go to
here, or visit
My Thanks to Jake for this interview. It was all
my pleasure!! I've been a Rockin' Jake fan for quite
some time. I saw him when Paul & I lived in
Cincinnati, Ohio at the East End Cafe. Jake has
another CD coming out that he played on with some
friends. It should be released soon and hopefully
he will have some copies at the Dec 6th gig at BB's.
Jake has several albums out now and will be working
on many more with his new band. Oh, and check out
Jake's hot sauce, too!
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