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Blues On The MississippiSt. Louis is a world class Blues town. Those of you who live here already know this, but for those of you not so fortunate, here's a small sample of a few weeks of St. Louis Blues, both home grown and just traveling through! Enjoy!!

Let's begin at the Blues on the Mississippi Concert series, with Dave Krull being joined onstage by Ron Edwards. Dave, as you may recall, was a member of Cryin' Shame.....that is until he was heard performing by a Mr. Jimmie Rogers, who promptly hired Dave & his piano on the the spot! Dave and wife Julie now call scenic Alameda, Ca. home, so it was great having him back in town performing with Cryin' Shame!
DAve Krull and Ron Edwards Cryin' Shame Drummer John May & Bob Lohr Erskine Ogelsby Johnnie Johnson John May & Johnnie Johnson
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