Townsend remembered - On Sept. 24th, St. Louis and the entire musical
community lost a national treasure. Mr. Henry Townsend
was in Wisconsin performing his music just this last
weekend, doing what he loved the most! With the
passing of Bennie Smith less than two weeks ago,
and now with the loss of Henry, the music lovers of St.
Louis have lost two dear friends.
St. Louis Blues Society is collecting
memories of Bennie Smith for inclusion
in the next Blues Letter. Memories
can be about any part of your experience
with Bennie and his music. Please keep
them short, because we're trying to
include as many as possible. Submit
your memory of Bennie Smith to stlbluesletter@hotmail.com by
October 6! Feel free to copy us at publisher@stlblues.net! (9/17/06)