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Candye Kane Signs With Delta Groove And More:

Candye KaneCandye Kane has announced that she has signed a record deal with Los Angeles-based Delta Groove Records. Of that she said, “I am the first female on their label roster and I am very excited about this. We will go into the studio to record my ninth CD in February with my awesome band featuring 26-year-old guitar queen Laura Chavez, my eldest son Evan Caleb on the drums, and the legendary Paul "Carvin" Loranger on bass. We are writing lots of new songs for this new CD and I am confident it will be my best one yet.”

Ms. Kane also added, “Since I have only a few local shows in January, I have decided to sell all of my stage clothes on eBay. I will be selling all the one-of-a-kind gowns and many vintage dresses I wore onstage, on the Roseanne and Donny and Marie shows, and on record covers, including Whole Lotta Love, Swango, and many, many more.

“Because I have lost 100 pounds, I can no longer fit into these fabulous clothes and want them to go to a deserving home. If you know a voluptuous gal who would love a beautiful gown or vintage dress, each one will come with an autographed photo of me in the dress. The dresses are all size 20-24 and many of them are very stretchy so they would go even bigger if needed.

“Please keep that beautiful, big girl in your life in mind this January when I open the auctions to the public.I will let everyone know via email when the bidding is open.”

For all things Candye Kane, go to candyekane.com

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