The 2009 SOPRO Show |

Sopro Music's 22nd Annual Chicago All Star Easter Parade Blues Revue
Held at Tommy's Place Night Club on 4.11.09 in Blues Island, Il.
The evening was also the Fifth Annual Jody Noa Memorial Blues Revue Show
This Chicago All Star Blues Revue featured the Royalty of Chicago Blues!
There ain't no color in the blues |
Exploring new blues clubs is always fun. After the excitement of the SOPRO show, Ronnie Baker Brooks was playing at a club called Cool River. and STLBlues was guided to this club by one of the SOPRO performers, Ms. Deb Seitz - "a leading lady of Chicago Blues".
Unfortunately there's little to report, as security immediately had us escorted right back out. It seems Deb Seitz had incensed the owner by her webpage critical of a 'no white blues perfomers' hiring practice. Can't get around that 1st Amendment, so she's been 'banned'.
How do you feel? The feelings that come through music, they come from every color. Close your eyes, and if the music moves you, doesn't it transcend color, race, gender or sexuality? Always has, but that's just my opinion.
It was my first 'blues club banning' and I can safely report that the 'no whites' hiring practice wasn't applied across the board - the security guard was white.
Dave Beardsley, 2008 'Keeping the Blues Alive' award recipient |
STLBlues was honored to be invited to the 22nd Annual Sopro Blues Revue. It was a showing of the best in Illinois music talent, all backed by a big brass sound. The brainchild of Buddy Monaco of Sopro, it has endured 22 years strong - a testament that the Blues is staying alive and well in the Midwest! Here's the lineup of this spectacular music event -
The Chicago Horns: (Nationally Acclaimed and Renowned Blues & Jazz Project)
Bill McFarland-Trombone/Vocals (Chicago's & America's Trombone King)
Hank Ford-Saxophone (The Saxophone Sensation of The Nation)
Kenny Anderson-Trumpet/Vocals (The Midwest's Trumpet Titan)
Tony Ferraro-Saxophone (Chicago's Favorite South Side Saxophone Son)
John Falstrom-Bass (EADG Bass King)
Joey Drada-Guitar (The Midwest's Premier Veteran Blues Guitarist)
Joe Jammer-Guitar (The 'Guitarzilla' Jammer)
Dan Wile-Drums (The Midwest's Top Dog Drum Kick)
With Special Performances by:
Joe Jammer-Guitar/Vocals (Chicago's Prodigal Son; 'Guitarzilla')
Deb Seitz-Vocals (Chicago's Soul Stirring Leading Lady Of The Blues)
with - Dan Wile-Drums / Mike Baily-Bass / Frank Anastos-Guitar
Doug Lee-Harmonica/Vocals (America's Newest Harmonica Boss and Entertainer)
Billy King-Guitar/Vocals (Chicago Blues Veteran Guitarist and Entertainer)
Presented & Produced 'In Concert' by: Sopro Music / Sopro Records
Celebrating 38 Years of Music Entertainment and Continuing to Present the Best of Blues, Jazz & Rock Into The New Millennium
Executive Producers: Bud Monaco & Red Rose
Associate Executive Producer: Bob Teutsch's Sound & Entertainment Productions
The 2009 SOPRO Show
The 2009 SOPRO Show
The Chicago Horns at the 2009 SOPRO Show
Joe Jammer at the 2009 SOPRO Show
Joe Jammer & Deb Seitz at the 2009 SOPRO Show
Billy King at the 2009 SOPRO Show
Deb Seitz at the 2009 SOPRO Show