wife Shauna was diagnosed in February 2004 with stage
4 lung cancer that had spread to her brain in 3 places.
She so very bravely battled her cancer with radiation
and chemotherapy, but sadly, I lost her to this terrible
disease on May 18, 2005. In
2004 we held a benefit for Shauna, and it was an incredible
success, both artistically and as a benefit event. I
want to extend our sincere thanks to so many people
- The Arnold Eagles club for loaning us their hall,
Meyer Ministries for all their support in the form
of volunteers AND donations, the Dream Center for some
great BBQ, and all the bands that performed - The
Bottoms Up Blues Gang, Jim
Mills out of Memphis, the Rich
McDonough band - joined by Kim Massie, the Blue
River Canyon Bluegrass band, and Phat
noiZ, all very talented musicians who volunteered
their time to perform. A surprise appearance by Melissa
Neels and Keith
Doder led to a showdown between Melissa, Rich McDonough,
Alvin Jett and Keith Doder, what a way to close a show!
There was also a Martial Arts demonstration presented
by the Bushido
World Karate Association with several kata* being
performed by tournament champion Kay'ce Petko, a demonstration
of Kali - a
Filopino stick fighting art, and ended with a blindfolded
double nunchuka demonstration by master Rob Ward, a
real crowd pleaser. *Kata is a series of choreagraphed
martial art self-defense moves, similar to a gymnastic
floor routine.

We know there are countless others we owe thanks to,
such as Fox
2 news, KDHX
radio, the
Healthy Planet newspaper, the husband and wife clown
team of 'Flashbulb and Snapshot' for entertaining the
kids, Matt of Joyce
Meyer Ministries for working the microphone so well
during the raffles, Steve Robertson for handling the
bank, and Doc and Dianna Mestman - Doc for the band
emcee duty, and Dianna
for capturing it all with her camera work.
Above all, Shauna's sister Meegan and mother Jill, you
were absolutely the best! I know I'm leaving someone
out, but you know who you are, as do we. Thanks again,
and may all your Blues be minor!
Dave Beardsley
Feel free to visit Shauna's web site -
- and learn about her brave battle, maybe say a few
words in her guestbook. |