'Real Blues' gives award |
Premier Blues Magazine, 'Real Blues' has named - 'Li'l Ronnie
& the Grand Dukes' - Best U.S. Blues Band 2004 (live performance)
in their 10th Annual Awards issue #28 (available at Towers Records)
The band was also voted - 'Best Blues Artists 2004' - 5th Annual
VA Music Awards
New Release from Richmond, VA / D.C. based, 'Li'l Ronnie &
the Grand Dukes' 'do what'cha do' in stores
Feb. 2005 or order direct @ www.lilronnie.com
Produced by Texas blues legend Anson Funderburgh. Dist. in U.S.
by HepCat / Collectors Choice Music, in Canada by Festival Records
& in Europe by CrossCut / The Bear Family Records. |