”The Bottoms Up Blues Gang has earned a following
the old-fashioned way; by playing its music – a mix of originals,
blues and covers – in person and in front of as many people
as possible.” -- Dean C. Minderman (RFT)
a side note, we’d just like to say thank you to all who voted
for The BUBG in this years RFT Music Awards. However, we do take
issue with the RFT for having a best of anything in terms of St.
Louis Blues. By that we mean; if you had a list of Bennie Smith,
Arthur Williams, Oliver Sain, Johnnie Johnon and Boo Boo Davis…there
is no way to say who is best. If these annual awards were called
‘The RFT People’s Choice Awards,’ we’d have
no qualm…but they’re not. We don’t believe we’re
in any way the best St. Louis blues act, nor do we think there is
a best St. Louis blues act. By far we believe this award is a representation
of our hard work and of the continual support we receive from all
of you who come out and provide us with the means to make a living
playing music. And for that we say: Thank You St. Louis!"
-- The BUBG