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Show Reviews
Modified - December 12th, 2001
San Francisco Blues Festival 2001
Morning. There was the walk from the Pier, we did get off at 39
this year instead of making the hike from Pier One via the ferry
from Vallejo. The walk was brisk and it was a good day for it,
slightly overcast and a breeze that was still slightly chilly
from the Bay. The Great Meadow at Fort Mason was the site of the
29th Annual San Francisco Blues Festival. The gates opened at
10:00 a.m. and the race was on (you may remember our photos from
last year) for the premier spots. It was easy to recognize the
seasoned veterans who came fully equipped and operating with team
precision. Since there is plenty of space to go around, everyone
seemed to be pretty happy with wherever they landed........cont'd
King Biscuit Blues Festival 2001
again the call of the Blues drew the faithful way down south,
to the Delta land of Helena, Ark. Anticipation of this event kept
this writer restless the night before, a feeling reminiscent of
Christmas as a child. An early departure on a beautiful fall day
showcased the natural beauty of Missouri, with the many shades
of orange and red emblazoned
across the land. As the miles passed, and the cotton began to
turn the landscape into a sea of white, the feel of the Delta
began to emerge. At a fuel stop in Memphis, I'm sure it was Elvis
that was working behind the counter. Continuing on for a short
drive down Hwy. 61 brings you to Clarksdale,
Ms., a town steeped in Blues history. It's here that you'll
find the site
where WC Handy
lived, right next to the Delta
Blues museum.......
Big Muddy 2001 Festival
hope that you were there, on Lacledes Landing for 2 beautiful
days of warm sunshine and cool blues! Some of the best of St.
Louis took to the 4 stages spread out in this historic riverfront
district, and some of the finest regional and national talent
were invited to join them. Local legends Oliver
Sain, Fontella Bass, Erskine
Ogelsby, Arthur Williams and
Bennie Smith,
along with some of the "new blood" of St. Louis blues
such as Rich McDonough, Pennsylvania
Slim, Melissa
Neels, and Brian Curran
were on hand to showcase that truly unique St. Louis sound!
Click here
to see more!!
Sparta Blues Fest 2001
again the Sparta Blues Festival drew
some great talent to the City Park, and a crowd that simply couldn't
be chased away by a little rain....okay, a LOT of rain! Fest director
Debi Klausing must have prayed to the Blues Gods, as the thunderstorms
and rain broke just in time for the Sauce Boss to announce he
was there to share the "Glory of Gumbo" with all of
Click here for more!
Jazzfest is an annual Bluesnet musical
pilgrimage we highly recommend! For your viewing enjoyment, click here for the
2001 photo review!
Beads, Brass & Blues Ball once again played the South Broadway Athletic
Club back on Saturday, February 3rd. Featuring the sounds of The
Mighty Big Band, it was a great kickoff to the 2001
Soulard Mardi Gras. Just in case you missed it, or just want
to re-visit, here's
our little review, enjoy! |
our West Coast Stlblues correspondents!
San Francisco Blues Festival 2000 pictorial
review! Thanks goes out former St. Louisian's Jim and Dana V.
for sending in the news! Look for future news, CD reviews, and more
from our San Francisco Blues News Team.
Milton Campbell was in town back on July 20th to visit his good
friend Oliver Sain, and to
play a bit down at BB's
Jazz, Blues and Soups. You already know BB's is the hippest Blues
Club around, and the Official Blues Club of stlblues.net.
A who's who of local Blues greats poured into a SRO house to witness
one of the legends, Little Milton Campbell. Henry
Townsend, Frances and Johnnie
Johnson, Eric McSpadden, Erskine Ogelsby, and many other St. Louis
Blues talents were spotted in the crowd. And of course John May was
orchestrating it all quite nicely backstage, as Mark O' himself was
manning the door. Lots of St. Louis Blues Society members were also
in attendance, all contributing to a really fun event! |
Bastille Day Blues Festival
Brian Curran, The
Inner City Blues Band, Bennie Smith and
The Urban Blues Express and The
Soulard Blues Band cranked it up back on Bastille day weekend
in Soulard, Mo. for an afternoon of Blues, Brews and BBQ at Soulard
Market Park.
Johnnie Johnson recently
kicked off the Whitaker Jazz Festival at the beautiful Missouri Botanical
Gardens. Accompanied by a big brass sound featuring Roland Clark (among
others), and backed by the guitar magic of Tom 'Two Tone' Maloney,
Johnnie delivered a really enjoyable concert, much to the enjoyment
of everyone present. Picnic blankets and families covered the grounds
of the Cohen Ampitheater, as Johnnie played to a enthusiastic crowd,
dedicating his song "Frances" to his lovely wife, who was on hand
to enjoy this spectacular event. |
Recently brought thier
Austin grown sounds to the Venice for a fun evening of music. This
is the band for all you jump Blues & swing dance fans. And they "love
kitties"....you'll understand, just ask for the song. Spring is upon
us, and the sounds of the Blues are calling you, so keep checking
Stlblues for
more acts coming to town!
Generations is really booking in some great National Blues
acts. You only have to see the lineup on "Playing St. Louis" on our
home page to see for yourself. On March 9th, The
Rx Blues band opened up for
Tab Benoit, who was up from Louisana. What a great evening of
music! Tab asked the crowd "mind if I sit on my front porch a while"?,
then delivered some fine acoustical Delta sounds. Tab remarked "when
I sit on my front porch, I like to listen to John Lee Hooker"! As
you can see, a good time was the order of the night. Keep checking
Stlblues for
more acts coming to Generations